Main Things That Clog A Kitchen Sink

Main Things That Clog A Kitchen Sink

Your kitchen sink getting clogged can cause a lot of issues. It can block up your whole kitchen and make life extremely difficult. So how do you deal with it, and how do you make sure it doesn’t happen again? Our team at Botanical Plumbing has outlined the leading cause of your kitchen sink might clog and how to fix it below.

Why Is My Kitchen Sink Clogged?

Food Scraps

Food Scraps Clogging Kitchen Sink

The main cause of clogs in kitchens is food waste. Food washed off your plate and directly down the drain can get trapped in the P or J bend of the pipe under the sink, causing a build-up and, eventually, clogging your drain. This P/J bend is designed to prevent larger items from getting into the overarching pipe system of your home, but it does mean that you can get that build-up over time.

There are a few ways to address this issue.

Invest In A Sink Strainer

This can prevent larger food items from going down your sink and can prevent a clog before it happens. These are pretty cheap to buy and can save you significant money in the long run.

Enzyme Cleaners

Try an environmentally friendly drain cleaner that uses enzymes. These break down the clog over time, and you should be able to use your sink within a few hours.

A Plumber

If all else fails, it is time to call in a plumber. There may be a more significant underlying issue, or your sink may need to be taken apart to remove the clog. If this is the case, getting a plumber to fix your sink is best.

Grease In The Trap

Grease Kitchen Drain

Oil, grease, and fat from pots and pans can cause significant problems to a drain system. If you are pouring the fat or grease left in your pan after you cook down the drain, this may be why your drain is clogged. When the grease, oil or fat goes down the drain, it can solidify in the pipes and build up over time, causing blockages.

Though some believe that pouring boiling water down the drain can fix this issue, this is a bit of an old wives’ tale and does not actually resolve the problem, merely spreading the grease, oil or fat further down the drain system.

If this is an issue, it will need a commercial drain cleaning product, and you will need to ensure that you are carefully following any instructions provided on the label. If you have already used a commercial drain cleaner and the problem persists, you may need to contact a plumber to come in and take apart your sink to clean the pipes.

If you are unsure why your kitchen sink is clogged, contact the experts at Botanical Plumbing to come and inspect your plumbing.

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