Tips To Save Water Around Your Home

Tips To Save Water Around Your Home

Water saving is a fact of life in Australia. Most of the year, the weather is hot and dry, and paying attention to how much water goes down the drain is second nature to us. You probably even do the obvious things like taking short showers and turning off the tap when brushing your teeth.

For people who want to go a step further than that, we’ve put together a list of simple plumbing changes you can make in your home to reduce your water consumption and save hundreds on your utility bill.

Saving Water Bathroom

Fix Leaking Taps, Pipes & Toilets

It may seem obvious, but plenty of people will ignore a leaking tap or a dripping pipe for too long before fixing it. A leaking tap could pour 10,000 litres of water down the drain each year, and a leaking toilet could waste six times that amount. Stay on top of leaks by doing routine maintenance and replacing the washers in your taps as soon as they fail.

Install Water-Saving Taps

Aerator fittings are a great way to reduce the amount of water used for things like washing hands or rinsing vegetables. A good aerator fitting can halve the water consumed simply by restricting flow and mixing in some air.

Water-Saving Shower Heads

More than 30% of all water used in houses goes down the shower drain. If you’re using an older shower head, or one with a high flow rate, that could mean thousands of litres per year are going to waste. Water-saving shower heads restrict the flow rate. You still get a satisfying shower, but your wallet will thank you.

Upgrade Your Toilets

Like most household appliances, toilets have gotten more water-efficient over time. A dual-flush bathroom is a no-brainer, but you can also find water-saving options that consume half as much (or even less, including toilets that use no water at all) as older models.

Switch To Efficient Appliances

Washing machines and dishwashers can be big culprits when guzzling excessive water. Large washing machines can use hundreds of litres of water on every load. When buying a new appliance, look for the Water Efficiency Labelling and Standards (WELS) scheme sticker that rates the efficiency out of six stars. Choosing appliances rated four stars or better can halve your current consumption.

Switching to water-efficient appliances and fittings could save tens of thousands of litres of water each year, which would save hundreds of dollars. If you need help updating or maintaining your plumbing, contact Botanical Plumbing for an appointment and ask about our water efficiency options.

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