What To Look For In Plumbing When Buying A Home

What To Look For In Plumbing When Buying A Home

Buying a home can be a long and draining process. Once you find the perfect house, you might want to scoop it up quickly before someone else does. However, to ensure you have no regrets, do all the essential checks before closing the deal.

Most people now know a building, and pest inspections are worth getting done, but a plumbing inspection should not be forgotten. A pre-purchase building inspection only includes the sewer layout, not drains or plumbing.

You don’t want to discover an extensive and expensive plumbing problem a few months later, so cover this checklist when buying a home.

Things To Look For In Plumbing When Buying A Home

Home Plumbing Inspection

1. Hot water system

Hot water systems have a lifetime of about 10–15 years. Note the model and serial numbers of the hot water unit, usually outside the house. If it’s inside, pay attention to its location. If there was a leak, where would it go in the house, and what damage would it cause? You’ll most likely be able to estimate the age of the unit based on the model. Check for any damage and corrosion too.

2. Water leaks

Check the areas around taps, toilets, showers and sinks for any sign of water leakages. While a leaking tap is cheap to fix, if left unattended for a long time, it could cause damage to the surrounding structures. Check the walls, too, any water stains could be a sign of a bigger problem.

3. Drains and toilets

Run all the taps in the house to ensure the sinks drain quickly. Flush the toilets to ensure all the water drains out and the toilet fills up again correctly. Poor drainage is another issue that should be looked into quickly so it doesn’t lead to worse problems.

4. Main sewer

The house’s main sewer often gets blocked by tree roots or breaks down over time. Replacing the main sewer can get expensive. Unfortunately, checking in on it is not so simple. You’ll need a qualified plumber to inspect it with a camera.

5. The pipes

Try to find out when the plumbing was installed and what material the lines are made of. If you’re buying a very old home, there’s a chance the pipes might need to be replaced entirely at some point. Older homes might sometimes have galvanised steel pipes, which will corrode and rust over time. Newer homes usually have copper or plastic pipes, but it’s always good to check. While the seller doesn’t have to upgrade the plumbing for you, it’s another factor that can help you negotiate a lower price.

The main reason for getting a plumbing inspection is to know what you’re about to buy. Nobody likes to be hit with extensive repairs right after moving in, so get a professional plumber to help you review this checklist. The good news is if any of these issues are present, you can either ask the seller to fix them before buying or to reduce the selling price.

Are you looking to buy a new home soon? The skilled and friendly maintenance plumbers at Botanical Plumbing are here to offer you honest advice. Give our team a call today!

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