It’s Getting Chilly Brissy: Time To Think Hot Water

It’s Getting Chilly Brissy: Time To Think Hot Water

Did you know that an average Queensland household can use around 25%-35% of its total energy on heating water? Maintaining your current hot water system, or installing a new efficient system, is a great way to reduce your power bills and environmental impact.

The Low Down On Hot Water Systems

Hot Water Heater Installed

It can quickly become overwhelming with the number of hot water system options available. Rest assured, there are only two types of systems – storage heaters that use a tank and instantaneous systems that only heat water when needed. 80% of Queensland housefuls currently use an electric hot water system, but solar energy, natural gas and LPG can also heat them.

Hot Water And The Environment

Around 50% of Australian households currently use conventional electric hot water systems in their homes. Amazingly these water heaters produce at least three times the greenhouse gases of low-emission alternatives and are generally less efficient and more expensive to run. Energy-efficient systems can also provide long-term savings on your electricity bill.

Warm Water Getting You Down?

If your hot water system only pumps warm water, it might just be underperforming and need maintenance. Give us a call, as you might not even need to purchase a new hot water system! Get your system serviced before winter to enjoy your hot showers in the chilly weather!

Thinking About Installing A New System? Call Botanical For A Chat About Your Needs!

We install, fix and maintain electric, gas, solar or heat pump hot water systems. Botanical Plumbing is here to discuss your needs and advise you on the best type of hot water system.

Contact us for a quote.

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